What’s Up | 03/15/12

I guess this is the mid-semester update. Can’t believe how quickly this semester has gone by! I’m unsure where to start, so I’ll just write and see what comes to mind.

My What’s Up posts are usually updates on my life. When I first started the section, I definitely wrote more often than I do now. Nowadays, these posts come once every month or two. Oh well.

How’s life? It’s been good! I got over my cold, finished most of my midterms, and just finished a finalist presentation for a case competition. I’m doing pretty well in my classes so far – like I said before, it’s nice to actually be up to speed in all my classes this semester.

Speaking of classes, the five that I’m taking this semester have been great overall. Only drawback I can think of is that there are so many midterms and projects – they just keep on coming, and by the time you’re done with a set, the next set rolls around.

Still, I’m not complaining. Taking Media Studies core classes has definitely broadened my learning this semester, and I’m very thankful for the change in scenery. I find the stuff I’m learning to be fascinating and fun.

I’m still on the hunt for a summer internship, but I’m pretty upbeat and determined. My only requirement is that I will learn something new through an internship this summer – will keep you guys updated on this one.

I’ve gotten more comfortable with my “increased” free time, which I realized I had worried about over nothing. Really, I don’t get much free time, at least not in the way I had thought. There’s always something to do, something to study for.

Actually, the biggest change this semester compared to semesters past is that I now have the time to think. When I say think, I don’t mean think in the day-to-day sense, but in the bigger picture sense. I’ve never really had the chance to do this because I simply didn’t have the time nor the mental capacity due to work overload, so it’s been quite refreshing.

Paradoxically, it’s disconcerting at the same time, because the questions that constantly float in and out of my head have one thing in common: they are uncertain. As of now, I don’t have concrete answers.

Here are some of the stuff that I’ve been thinking about lately.

1. What do I want to do with my life? Not just job, location, pay, but what do I really want to do? What would I like to accomplish?

2. Are my current career goals and interests something that I really want to do, because I think I can grow and become a more whole person, or are they the product of my environment, something that I’m pursuing because everyone else is pursuing?

3. Will I be happy going down a prescribed “safe” route? If I don’t end up on this road, will I regret it?

4. How can I leverage my strengths in my future career? How can I make a substantial impact in what I do?

5. What is my definition of success? Is it in the name of the company for which I work? Is is what other people consider “legit?” Or is it something that only I could know for certain once I experience it?

As human beings, we’re hardwired to hate uncertainty. I wish I could know the answers to these questions, but I realize it takes time, years even, and some people spend their entire lives without answers to some of these questions.

For the time being, the best option I can choose is to keep on going, see what life throws at me. I think I have a better uncertainty tolerance than a lot of other people, but I still have limits. Regardless, I know that things will work out, and I’m glad I have friends and family to support me every step of the way, as they have been my entire life.

I should call it a night. Quick recap: life’s going well, school’s been good, I’ve been thinking a lot more this semester, we’ll all float on alright.

Float on at randomtidbitsofthought.wordpress.com.

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