What’s Up | 11/05/11

Wow. My last What’s Up update was over a month ago. Should be updating a bit more.

So how has the past month been? As always the hands-down toughest stretch of the year. October is hell month, and as usual, there were plenty of things to do.

Stress levels are always high at this point in the year, but I tell myself that I have to keep on moving – it may feel uncomfortable, but in order to successfully overcome these challenges, you have to be actively working on it.

I’m glad that I was able to follow through. The best part is seeing the results of your handiwork, and success makes it that much sweeter.

This semester has been one of the most mentally challenging ones for me by far. The amount of things going on in my mind at any given point is pretty insane. Even now as I’m reflecting, it’s hard to believe.

At the same time, this semester is panning out to be one of my favorites thus far. Class-wise, I’m doing a decent job – not amazingly well but much better than recent semesters. I’m really glad I took on only 13 units. It’s helped me to focus on grades while at the same time taking care of my other responsibilities.

Those other responsibilities mostly fall in the realm of ABA. As President, I’ve genuinely enjoyed my job. I came in the semester with a vision, and I think it’s really helped me and my group to focus on improving the club as a whole.

We had a string of very successful events, and I’m very happy to see high turnout and participation from the members. Official results for next semester are out, and I’m confident that the next officer group will do a great job.

I finished my last midterm of the semester last Thursday. It was for microeconomics, and I think I did a decent job on it. I’m glad that I’ll have a four-week break until dead week and finals. It will be well-used.

Yesterday, I was at ABA and AAA’s Benefit Concert and had a really great time. We packed 155 Dwinelle (~400-450 attendees), and the performances by the YouTube artists and student groups were very good. I’ll be writing more about this in another post.

My family is coming up for Thanksgiving – actually, they’ll be here that entire week, so I’m looking forward to their visit. I haven’t seen them or gone home since the start of summer (with a one-night stop-by during Fourth of July), so it will be very nice to catch up and explore SF/Berkeley/San Jose.

I’ve had to put my Everyman sleep schedule on hold, for a variety of reasons (broken alarm, midterm, parents). But I did order a new alarm clock, so maybe in the near future? Stay tuned.

Now that I’m finishing up my last semester on ABA Cabinet, there are boundless possibilities for next semester. It’s a little disconcerting, but I know that the time is right. I’ll still be involved with ABA as an alumnus, and I plan to recruit for summer internships and be more involved in my church groups.

I’ve noticed that as I continue my years in college, I see things in a different perspective. I guess the best way to describe it is a broader view of life. I’ve experienced so much these past few years, and I know that things tend to turn out okay in the end. The best you can do is to try your best and to make an honest effort. You might not see any immediate results, but I strongly believe that you will reap the rewards sooner or later.

What’s awesome about life is that it’s a work in progress. There’s always something to learn, and there are always things to improve upon. I’m determined to live my life to the fullest, and the most important way is to always be open to learn and to be unafraid to try new things and step out of that comfort zone.

Carpe diem at randomtidbitsofthought.wordpress.com.