[ABA] First General Meeting

ABA’s First General Meeting is tomorrow night at 7 in 2060 VLSB. Prep has been looking good, and I have a feeling that the meeting will be a fun and interesting one.

Now my plug for ABA: This is my fourth semester in the club. There must be something about it that has given me the desire to keep on going back.

I can’t promise you’ll feel the same way. But why not give it a shot and see what the organization has to offer? If anything, you can make new friends and develop skills useful for ALL future careers, not just for business.

So if you’re even remotely interested, or just want to show your support (rumor has it that Glen will be in a skit), be sure to drop by tomorrow! See you guys there.

Oh, and we’re open to ALL majors and ethnicities, in case you guys were wondering. 🙂

ABA Love at randomtidbitsofthought.wordpress.com.

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