Two Finals, Then Freedom

Here goes my customary pre-test reflections. I have two finals tomorrow, for my eight week Media Studies class and my six week Marketing class.

Hard to believe that summer session is almost over. This summer has been so much fun, and I feel that I’ve learned a lot, too. But I’ll save these thoughts for another post.

How’s my studying going? Well, I’m obviously not studying right now, am I? But all in all, I had some pretty good study sessions the past few days.

I know the material pretty well, now I just need to show it on the tests. I’m not too worried about Marketing, since I’m doing well in the class and the final is multiple choice.

I’m slightly more worried about Media Studies. I’m doing well enough to not panic, but I’m going to take time off from work tomorrow to study some more and try to get those few extra points. Three-hour written tests are just more mentally draining, too.

So from 8-10:30 am and 2-5 pm tomorrow, I will be in the heat of battle, but after 5, I’ll be free. For a week. Before school starts.

Gotta love the Berkeley semester system.

Cram, eat, and not study at